
Electric DeLorean go on sale in 2013

More than�a�quarter century after�the series�Back to the Future�continues to�talk about, this year�we saw�the revival�in theaters�last month�and�knew we�were auctioned�1500 pairs�of Nike�MAG,�that while they were�a little out of�our budget�(U.S.�$ 5000�per pair�approx.)Knew that this�money would go to�a good�cause and the�Foundation�Michael�J.�Fox�fight Parkinson?s.�Today we learned�that another�iconic object�of the trilogy�will be realized�in a short time: the famous�time machine�created by�Doc�Brown, the�Delran.�For years,�the [...]


Vittorio Brambilla Toni Branca Gianfranco Brancatelli Eric Brandon